"No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see." - Taoist proverb

The "Water Illusions" series looks at the nature of reality and illusion by way of reflection. What do we see when we look into still water? We answer this question for subjects in the natural world and architectural images in the "Nature" and "Architecture" collections.

But if the water is not still, what do we see then? In some respects, this question is more challenging and interesting. In the "Abstracts" series, reality has become changed, sometimes in profound ways. In some of the images, a hint of that which was reflected is evident, but in other images, the changes are so profound as to have a Dali-esque quality.

Currently the images in these collections are from Venice and Amsterdam (and environs) - both lovely sources of inspiration because of their canals.